English poems

Hace un tiempo quebré la eterna (para mí) inhibición y me largué a escribir en mi segunda lengua, el inglés.
Como todo comienzo, no me convencen algunas cosas. Pero como empecé a traducir mis poemas del libro "Autoficción",  quisiera que estos puedan dialogar con los otros, a ver qué pasa.
Gracias por la lectura y quizás algún comentario.


and there's a better way
to say how much i love you
and it's singing it to you
and it's murmuring it to you
talking to you while kissing
your skin
your lips
your nipples
your fingers
sweet labourers of love


love is blindness

i try to open my eyes
and i don't want to see
that's the reason
i move like a sleepwalker

and u don't wrap the night
around me
but u wrap the siesta
around me

that dangerous idea
that almost made sense
at my finger tips
oh my love

no more touching u
for now
just longing
and begging for more
like a blown out candle

squeeze my hands
and kiss my arms
take away the pain
yeah my dear

thanks paul hewson (aka Bono) and u2 for the music & inspiration


New moon  in the
Chinese new year
no light in the night
just Sirius
up there so far so near
behind the clouds
that run from
east to west

she opened this
to me
or better say
I opened this door
together with her
she likes to open
and closes doors

I like beginnings
may be I should
change my job
may be I should
become a midwife
but then the road
is so hard to walk
that sometimes
it seems the hardest one
and I keep walking
despise all the difficulties
the darkness
the fear of losing


then you were far away
in a dream that wasn’t mine
either yours
in a world that wasn’t perfect
but it was calm
sounds like water
coming and going
no fear  of anything unknown
a perfect normal doubt
appearing now and then
like a dolphin talking to you
in your language under water
sounds and voices warming
your space



who says
i'm in this world
to say the words
that keep the warm
space between
you & me

irene ocampo, 2010-2011

2 comentarios:

  1. Qué hermoso blog. Qué hermosos poemas... Saltando de un lado al otro a veces, se llegan a lindos lugares...
